About This Site

I began camping and fishing at the lake at a very young age, so young in fact, I don't remember my first camping trip. My parents had a rustic cabin on the lake when I was a baby, which they eventually sold to go back to just regular camping. I honestly don't remember not spending any childhood summers at the lake.

I absolutely adore camping, fishing and being outdoors. I have camped in every month of the year, even ringing in the New Year once in a pup tent. If it weren't for storms and winter, I honestly don't think I would ever need a house for anything other than storage. I would camp out 24/7. There is nothing like going to sleep at night, listening to the crickets chirp, the owls softly hoo, the frogs singing in unison, the water gently lapping against the shoreline and literally counting the glimmering stars until you fall asleep, although I could do without the buzzing and biting skeeters.

I have many, many, MANY wonderful memories of my life's camping trips ...... from birth all through adulthood. For the longest, I have wanted to write them all down, put them into a book or log or something of the like. So I have decided to write them here, and share them with you. I hope you enjoy reading about them at least half as much as I enjoyed experiencing them. From time to time I may include a few of the not-so-happy stories, so you can have the full, honest view of my life's camping experiences, but since most of my camping days were all fun, exciting and enjoyable, that is what most of my stories posted here will be.

Now and then I will also mix in a few product reviews of camping/fishing equipment. Over the past 50 years, I have learned a lot about which camping products are worth their money and which are absolute duds. I will share my knowledge with you here, to hopefully help save you money, time, and frustration. Nothing is more frustrating than looking forward to some much needed Rest and Relaxation, excitedly heading out to camp with some new piece of equipment, only to battle with it all weekend long.  I hope my reviews will help your camping trips go much more smoothly.

Here at Tentfire's Camp you can also expect to periodically find camping, fishing, and general outdoor adventure tips, pointers and how-to's.  I also greatly look forward to hearing your suggestions, tips and pointers.

Eventually, my hope is to host an annual camping trip for all of my Followers of TENTFIRE'S CAMP.  Of course it would probably have to be at my all time favorite campground where the majority of my camping stories took place, but then again, I have camped at many places, resulting with great memories, and one of those places might be just as wonderful for a gathering place. So stay tuned and be sure to invite your camping buddies to visit this site. Won't it be great fun to all sit around a campfire now and then, roast marshmallows, sing a song or two (someone will hopefully bring a guitar and/or harmonica) and exchange our camp stories in person!

If you have any questions for me, would like to share one of your own camp stories, or just want to contact me, please feel free to do so. Be patient if you don't hear back from me real fast. I may be out camping or fishing, *grin*. Your emails WILL all be answered, though. Thank you ever so much for taking the time to visit and read my blog ..... and ...... HAPPY CAMPING!!!!!
